How Well Do You Know Your Target Customer?
Knowing your target customer, especially when you’re involved in revenue generation marketing, is not just about creating avatars and personas that blend together all of the characteristics that your ideal user has in common. That may have worked well enough a decade or so ago before we had the right tools to dive deeper and know our audience on another level.
But now, things are different. You have to delve deeper to truly know your audience not just in terms of their demographics (gender, age, income, family status and so on), but also their motivations for taking action.
How Your Buyer Makes the Decision to Choose Your Business
A typical buyer’s journey goes something like this:
- Awareness — The customer has a problem and needs to look for a solution. They may not entirely know how to describe the problem or articulate it, so they research more about it in the hopes of elaborating further and better understanding it so that when they move to the next stage (Consideration), they’re more aware of what their next steps should be. They may or may not also be aware of your company or brand.
- Consideration — They’ve moved on from knowing about the problem and are now looking for a way to treat or solve the problem. Maybe they’ve come across your business in doing their research and are considering you (likely) among many others.
- Action — The customer has found a solution and is looking to choose from among the companies that they feel best suit their needs. That’s precisely where you want your brand to be!
So how do you take them from where they are to where you want them to be? In other words, from awareness to action? You do it through lots of “little wins”.
Lots of Little Wins
Rather than go “all or nothing” when it comes to each of your customers, consider focusing on lots of “little wins”. These are small, incremental changes you can make that guide the customer along in their journey no matter which stage they’re at.
So, for example, if they’re still in the awareness phase, you could have them complete a quiz, read a blog post about the signs or problems they’re dealing with, common myths and so on. Getting them to take small actions and read an article, take a short quiz, or otherwise invest their time in learning more is a win for your company, even though it doesn’t have a dollar sign attached to it.
Defining Your USP
All of these wins, combined with an understanding of your target customers’ journey aren’t quite enough to carry them over the finish line to a conversion. You still need to sprinkle your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) into the content you create as a way of differentiating yourself from your competition.
Remember that your USP isn’t just about what you do differently. It’s the core reason you’re in business and it’s the problem(s) you solve. It’s not something that your competitors can easily duplicate or steal, and it’s definitely something you want your target customer to know about.
If it seems overwhelming creating content that keeps all of these points in mind, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs struggle to create content that not only addresses every aspect of the customers’ journey but does so in a way that moves them further along the path.
At Workdom, we specialize in crafting content and launching strategies that combine all of these points into a well-oiled, chat-based machine. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!